Learning About Podiatrist Care

Things To Know If You Are A Diabetic To Take Care Of Your Feet

When you are a diabetic, you have to take good care of your feet, as your feet are going to be more sensitive. You may not heal as well as someone who doesn't have diabetes, and your blood flow may not match someone else that is healthy. This means if you have a stubbed toe, it may be much worse for you if you have diabetes than someone that doesn't. A minor cut on your toe may not heal and could actually worsen for you. This is why taking good care of your feet is so important. Read on for some things you should know about caring for your feet if you have diabetes.

Don't Wear Open-Toed Shoes

You cannot wear open-toed shoes if you are diabetic. You can easily hurt your feet by stubbing it on something, or you could get bacteria on your feet, which can lead to an infection if you have an open wound on your foot. Protect your feet by keeping them covered. This means that you should avoid flip-flops or sandals and only wear shoes with a covering on the toe. Be sure to wear shoes that fit you properly and aren't ill-fitting, as poor-fitting shoes can also lead to sores or other issues for your feet.

Avoid Pedicures

You should avoid going to a nail salon for a pedicure if you are a diabetic. Nail salons may not be as clean as you assume, and they could have bacteria in the tubs used for your feet. If you aren't careful, or if you have an open sore, it could leave you with an infection. If your toe accidentally gets nicked and you get a sore on your toe, it can also lead to an infection. Get your toenails trimmed by a podiatrist and give yourself an at-home pedicure instead.

Watch For Sores

Keep a close eye on your feet for sores or any type of injury on your feet. Monitor any sores to be sure they aren't getting worse and that they are healing properly. If your feet have a sore and it isn't healing or is worsening, you need to be sure you get to the podiatrist for treatment. Allowing a wound to go untreated may lead to an infection or worse.

If you are a diabetic, you need to take good care of your feet and keep an eye on them, especially if you have a wound. Talk to your podiatrist about what other things you should know if you have diabetes.

For more information, contact a local business, that offers diabetic foot care, like MARLBORO PODIATRY CENTER INC.
