Learning About Podiatrist Care

3 Helpful Tips To Remember When Treating Feet Wounds

Your feet are probably used a lot each day, particularly if you spend a majority of your time standing. The constant use of your feet can ultimately lead to a wound. Fortunately, wound care for feet isn't that difficult if you remember these tips. 

Limit Activity 

When you suffer a wound on one of your feet, walking around can aggravate it even more. Then, you'd have to deal with more pain and potentially make the wound worse. As such, you just need to limit your activity for the time being until the foot wound can fully heal.

Try staying off your feet as much as you can during this recovery period. Instead of doing a lot of tasks yourself, it may be necessary to get a helper like a friend or family member. Have them get you things and run errands with you until your foot makes a full recovery.

Keep the Wound Clean 

Whether your foot wound is minor or severe, it's paramount to keep it clean until it fully heals. If you don't, then an infection could spread. These infections aren't always easy and cheap to fix, so it behooves you to practice good wound cleaning.

First, you should rinse the wound with some cold water each day.  This will help remove any dead skin and dried blood that may have collected in and around the wound. Then, you need to apply some sort of disinfectant. This helps combat bacteria, keeping your wound sanitary until it can close.

Get Help From a Podiatrist 

If you suffered a traumatic foot wound, then you may need more than just DIY care. More specifically, you should really consider getting help from a licensed podiatrist. This foot doctor is extremely familiar with various foot problems and diseases, including severe wounds.

They'll assess the severity of your foot wound and put together a custom treatment plan. A lot of times, they'll prescribe strong medications to help you deal with pain and to prevent an infection from occurring. They can also professionally wrap your wound, helping it heal as quickly as possible. They can even provide at-home advice that will come in handy until your next appointment with them.

Feet wounds can be extremely painful and can really look bad from an aesthetic standpoint. Fortunately, you can tackle these wounds head-on by knowing what care protocol to follow and getting help from credible professionals at the right time. 
