Learning About Podiatrist Care

Simple Foot Hygiene Tips

Although the feet are an important part of the body, when it comes to hygiene, some people tend to overlook this area. However, good foot hygiene is synonymous with healthy feet. Poor hygiene can lead to a number of health concerns including fungal growth. Make sure you know how to maintain proper hygiene with your feet so that you can keep them healthier.


Don't let your nails grow too long. Longer nails can easily get caught on objects, attracting bacteria and fungi. Since each person's nails grow at a different pace, there is no set frequency to perform this step. However, once the nail starts to extend past the toe, it's time.

Before trimming, take time to wipe the clippers with alcohol. If the clippers aren't clean and you happen to cut your skin, you could be introducing bacteria. It's also important to clip your nails in a straight across pattern, instead of with rounded edges, to prevent ingrown toe nails.


Shoes play an important role in the overall hygiene of the foot. First, if your feet perspire heavily, try to avoid wearing the same pair of shoes two days in a row. If you perspire a lot and you don't give the shoes ample time to dry, you could be increasing your risk of developing a foot fungus.

If you perspire heavily, it might also be a good idea to wash your shoes. It's also important to wear socks that are primarily made up of cotton. The cotton can help ensure your feet are able to breathe, which decreases your risk of developing a foot fungus.


When cleaning your feet, make sure you are using an antibacterial soap to ensure you are thoroughly removing and killing any bacteria that may have collected on your feet. You also want to ensure you're cleaning in between the toes and drying in this area, thoroughly.

The space between your toes serves as a prime spot for fungal growth.  If you aren't cleaning this area and keeping the space dry, you're actually promoting this growth. When moisturizing your feet, avoid putting lotion between your toes as the lotion can help generate moisture in the area and promote fungal growth.

Make good foot hygiene an important part of your regular, daily hygiene regimen. Placing a special focus on foot hygiene will keep your feet looking, smelling and most importantly, feeling better. 

For professional foot care, contact a clinic such as custom orthotics by North Hill Foot & Ankle Clinic.
